VPhoneOS Privacy Policy

Release time: December 8, 2021

Section 1: Introduction and Overview

VPhoneOS, previously known as VPhoneGaGa, is a versatile virtual mobile phone system for the Android platform. It offers functionalities like browsing, downloading, and managing mobile applications, as well as handling images, videos, music, and files. This application is developed by Shenzhen Zhiduo Interactive Technology Co., Ltd., hereafter referred to as "we," "the company," or "Zhiduo Interactive."

In this privacy policy, we detail our approach to collecting, using, storing, sharing, and transferring your personal information. We are committed to transparency in these practices and ensuring your ability to access, update, delete, and safeguard your information.

Before using VPhoneOS, please review this privacy policy thoroughly. Your use of our application indicates your understanding and agreement to the terms of this policy, including the collection, use, storage, and sharing of your information as outlined. For any questions or feedback regarding this policy, please contact us via the provided methods.

Section 2: Collection and Use of Personal Information

In VPhoneOS, we collect and utilize your personal information for the following purposes, as detailed in this privacy policy:

[1] Functionality of VPhoneOS:

Device and Software Information: Essential for basic operations and management, we collect encrypted device identifiers (IMEI, MAC address), device model, operating system version, screen resolution, internet access type, and VPhoneOS usage data. This information is used for service provision, including generating a unique device code (GUID) for crash analysis and support. Rest assured, this information is not shared with third parties.

Software Management: We gather data such as software names, version numbers, and package names to manage software interactions within VPhoneOS. This collection is pivotal for app functionality and excludes sensitive personal identity information.

[2] Account Registration and Personalized Services:

Account Information: For VPhoneOS account registration, we require your mobile number, email address, username, and password. This data assists in account creation and security. Not providing this information may limit personalized service access but doesn't affect other functionalities.

Optional Personal Details: You may optionally provide additional details such as gender, birthday, hobbies, marital status, etc., enhancing personalized services without being mandatory.

Forum Participation: For posting and replying in the VPhoneOS Forum, we need your mobile number or email for identity verification. Users not verified can still browse the forum.

[3] Improvement of Products and Services:

User Experience Improvement: To enhance user interaction and product stability, VPhoneOS collects non-identifiable encrypted device information, including IMEI and MAC address.

Feedback and Problem Resolution: Feedback through forums and QQ groups helps us improve. Contact information provided is solely for customer service communication and not shared without consent.

Other Uses and Exceptions: We may anonymize data for analysis and will seek explicit consent for uses not mentioned in this policy. In certain legal scenarios, personal information may be collected without explicit consent.

Section 3: Data Storage and Protection

Domestic Storage:

Personal information collected is stored in the respective country of collection, adhering to its local data protection laws and regulations. This approach ensures compliance with various national data protection standards, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, and other applicable regional and international data protection laws.

Cross-border Data Transfer:

In scenarios requiring cross-border data transfer, we strictly comply with legal and regulatory standards to safeguard your personal information, ensuring data protection measures are maintained during the transfer process.

Retention Period:

Your personal information is retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the objectives of this policy or as mandated by law. This approach is designed to respect the minimization principle of data retention.

Discontinuation of Services:

Should VPhoneOS discontinue its services, the collection of personal information will cease immediately. Affected users will be notified, and we will proceed to delete or anonymize any stored personal information, except where continued storage is required by law.

Section 4: Sharing, Transferring, Disclosing Personal Information, and Security Measures

[1] Sharing of Personal Information

With Consent: Your personal information is shared with other entities only after obtaining your explicit consent.

Legal Compliance: In alignment with laws and regulations, especially concerning litigation and dispute resolution, we may share your information as legally mandated.

Anonymized Data: Identifiable personal information is not shared without explicit consent. However, aggregated and anonymized data may be used for partnership analysis and service enhancements.

Service Providers: To improve customer service and user experience, we share information with our suppliers, service providers, consultants, and agents under strict data protection agreements, ensuring adherence to our privacy policy and confidentiality standards.

[2] Transfer of Personal Information

Business Changes: In case of business developments like mergers or acquisitions, transferred personal information will remain subject to this policy, or the new entity will seek your reauthorization.

Consent-Based Transfer: Transfers of personal information to other parties will only be made with your explicit consent.

[3] Disclosure of Personal Information

Consent-Based Disclosure: We disclose your personal information publicly only with your explicit consent.

Legal Requirements: Disclosure may occur as required by law, legal processes, or government authority demands.

[4] Protection of Personal Information

Data Encryption: To ensure confidentiality, personal data transmission and storage, including IMEI and MAC addresses, are encrypted.

Risk Management: We monitor user login activities and employ custom encryption and HTTPS for secure data transactions.

Access Control: Server access is tightly controlled and audited to prevent unauthorized personal information access.

Server Security: Our servers maintain high-security standards, with continuous monitoring for potential threats.

Staff Training: We regularly train our staff in data protection laws and practices.

Emergency Response: In case of security breaches, we implement emergency protocols, comply with legal reporting obligations, and inform users promptly.

Section 5: User Rights and Policy Scope

[1] User Rights to Manage Personal Information

Access and Correction: Users can access and correct their account information such as password, gender, age, birthday, hobbies, and marital status via the VPhoneOS App.

Deletion of Information: You have the right to request deletion of your personal information under circumstances like lack of explicit consent, violation of laws or our agreement, account cancellation, or service discontinuation. Deletion requests can be submitted as detailed in Section 9, with typical response times within 15 working days. Backup system deletions follow scheduled updates.

Account Cancellation: You can cancel your VPhoneOS account at any time, which will result in the deactivation of the account and deletion of associated information, subject to legal data retention requirements.

Withdrawal of Consent: Consent for data collection can be withdrawn by disabling specific device functions. Note that this may affect the availability of certain services. Withdrawal does not affect data processing conducted prior to the withdrawal.

[2] Protection of Minors

Minors using VPhoneOS must do so under guardian consent and guidance. Guardians should review this policy and can contact us for any concerns about a minor's personal information.

[3] Scope of the Privacy Policy

This policy is applicable exclusively to VPhoneOS and does not extend to data collected by third-party services or entities using Zhiduo Interactive’s products or services.

[4] Policy Changes and Revisions

We reserve the right to update this policy. Your rights will not be limited without explicit consent. Major changes will be communicated clearly, including significant modifications in service model, data handling processes, sharing practices, or user rights.

[5] Contact Us

For questions or concerns regarding this policy or our data handling practices, reach out to us at BD@smartgaga.com. Responses are typically provided within 15 working days.

[6] Policy Effectiveness

The current version of this policy is effective as of [Month 1], 2020.

[7] Company Information

Shenzhen Zhiduo Interactive Technology Co., Ltd.

Registered Address: 301, Building W1A, Gaoxin Industrial Village, No.034, Gaoxin South Fourth Road, Gaoxin District, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

Telephone: 18529062649.